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10 Four Seasons Place, Suite 1000, Toronto, ON M9B 6H7

Condominium Corporations

Audit Services

Condominium Corporations

We provide services to various property management companies in the Greater Toronto Area. We meet with board members and attend annual general meetings of the unit owners.

The annual audit along with the Corporation tax return and non-profit-information return (T1044) are filed yearly if certain criteria is met. 

The annual audit of Condominium Corporations is necessary unless certain conditions are met.

If there is more than $50,000 in other income aside from common element assessments received from unit owners, HST number must be obtained, HST to be charged to clients and HST returns are to be filed.

Under the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 (CMSA), individuals or businesses in Ontario must hold a licence issued by the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO). Therefore having a licensed and registered condominium manager (R.C.M) to manage the daily operations is necessary.

Please provide us with the most recent audited financial statements and budget for a quote. 

OTHER services

1. Business number registration
2. Changing of directors’ name with the Canada Revenue Agency and updating authorized representative. (Many condominium corporations face this issue with out of date directors’ names or in fact the names from Day one.) 
3. Filing delinquent corporation taxes. (There are many condominium corporations out there that were registered decades ago and may not even have a business number and hence no corporation taxes were filed. During this period there were various property management company changes and financial records are sparse.)
4. Condominium corporations with less than 25 units and only need tax filings
5. Updating HST filing period from quarterly to annual
6. Corresponding with the Canada Revenue Agency
7. Missing records for financial audit? 
8. Multi-year financial audits and change in multiple property management companies
9. Changing of year ends in order to tie with another Condominium corporation’s year-end, shared facilities or to better facilitate AGMs 

10. Other matters not addressed above

Please reach out in order for us to understand the extend of the scope as each condominium corporation has a situation that may require a different kind of solution. 

other resources

Annual Condominium Requirements Guide from the Condominium Authority of Ontario – Annual-Condominium-Requirements-Guide-June-1-1

Condo AuditsAccounting, auditing and Tax Guidelines for Ontario Condominium Corporations

Providing Condo Management ServicesInterpretingProvidingCondoManagementServices

Value for Money Audit Condo Oversight –

CAO Best Practices Guide: Finance 

Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 –

Condominium Act, 1998 –